Public Profile


member since August 08, 2011


I don't really know what to say guys, even though I writing now. Okay, my drawing isn't really good. My drawing is better if with my hand, I want to use scanner. but I don't know how to use it. I will stick with my lousy Paint for now. I'm from Indonesia, so English is not my first langauge, sorry if there a grammar and spelling mistake.

I like Megaten games, and Persona Series. In fact, I'm writing fanfic about them, ask me if you wanna see it. Well, what else I can say? Nice to meet you all! Contact me anytime you want. But don't expect me to reply it in short time.

If you too lazy for a mail, just search my name in facebook ‘Aldyan Alan’.

Again, nice to meet you all!

Comics By Genji TAMISANE

  • Adventure |
  • 4 pages |
  • last: Sept. 3 2011 |
The story takes place on a town in Indonesia, in the era of Dutch Invasion. The protagonist itself is a teenage student in a high school, how he can evercome his life hardship with his friend? Many Megaten/Persona Series refference, with few humor.

Comics Assisted By Genji TAMISANE

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Comics Recomended By Genji TAMISANE

About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!

Warning: Comic Contains Spoilers. This comic is an overall parody of the entire storyline of the video game, Persona 3. Follow the MC's life both personally and professionally. Hope you enjoy it.

Follow up to the wildly successful Persona 3 FTW, follow the Protagonist and his friends as they solve a serial homicide case in their small town. Much like P3FTW this comic DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS! You have been warned.

The Kuzunoha name has been passed down for generations. But when a sudden tragedy befalls the 18th Raidou everything falls onto the shoulders of a high school screw-up named Johei. Is he really worthy of being Raidou Kuzunoha the 19th?

Genji TAMISANE's friends

  • Icaaruz
  • Strain42
  • Darth Xelleon
  • ChronoBeast
  • Gin Kamiya

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Videos Shared By Genji TAMISANE

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